Renters Insurance in and around Hopkins
Renters of Hopkins, State Farm can cover you
Renting a home? Insure what you own.

Would you like to create a personalized renters quote?
Home Is Where Your Heart Is
No matter what you're considering as you rent a home - number of bedrooms, furnishings, number of bathrooms, house or apartment - getting the right insurance can be necessary in the event of the unanticipated.
Renters of Hopkins, State Farm can cover you
Renting a home? Insure what you own.

Safeguard Your Personal Assets
When the unexpected theft happens to your rented property or condo, often it affects your personal belongings, such as a stereo, a set of favorite books or a video game system. That's where your renters insurance comes in. State Farm agent Danny McDonald has a true desire to help you evaluate your risks so that you can protect yourself from the unexpected.
Reach out to State Farm Agent Danny McDonald today to experience how the trusted name for renters insurance can protect your possessions here in Hopkins, MN.
Have More Questions About Renters Insurance?
Call Daniel at (952) 373-4201 or visit our FAQ page.
Simple Insights®
Getting rid of dust in your house
Getting rid of dust in your house
A dusty home can make asthma and allergy sufferers uncomfortable. Discover tips to help reduce or eliminate the amount of dust in your house.
Writing rental ads
Writing rental ads
Writing an effective rental ad will attract the most qualified and responsible tenants.

Danny McDonald
State Farm® Insurance AgentSimple Insights®
Getting rid of dust in your house
Getting rid of dust in your house
A dusty home can make asthma and allergy sufferers uncomfortable. Discover tips to help reduce or eliminate the amount of dust in your house.
Writing rental ads
Writing rental ads
Writing an effective rental ad will attract the most qualified and responsible tenants.